CMN Brownbag: Academic Job Market

Haoning Xue Portrait

Event Date

Kerr Hall 386, or Zoom 974 4807 7707
  • Time: 12-1PM, March 14, 2024
  • Location: Kerr Hall 386, UC Davis
  • Zoom: 974 4807 7707


Academic Job Market

Speakers: Haoning Xue; Jason Gong

Guests: Christopher "CJ" Calabrese, Assistant Professor at Clemson University; Lyra Sun, Postdoctoral Researcher at Syracuse University


Abstract: Academic job marketing is an essential step that transforms you from a graduate student to a future faculty member. However, this marketing process is usually opaque, uncertain, exhausting, and intimidating, without sufficient marketing knowledge, techniques, and guidance. In this brownbag session, we share our experience as candidates on the job market, including (1) the logistic procedure and timeline for the job marketing process, (2) how to prepare the job application materials, (3) the Do’s and Don’ts in the job marketing process, (4) and a brief Q&A session that answers your questions. We hope our brownbag session helps audiences to navigate a predictable, constructive, rewarding, and successful academic job marketing process.

The series: The Department of Communication Brown Bag Series is a regular meeting for developments in Communication and related disciplines, hosted by the UC Davis Department of Communication. It is held at noon on most Thursdays during the academic year.