These Undergrads Explain What They Gained

UC Davis undergraduate students convincingly tell, in their own words, how majoring in communication at UC Davis has benefited them and prepared them for productive careers. Why communication was the right choice for them:


Sarah Coon
Sarah Coon

"Choosing to major in communication at UC Davis is one of the best decisions I have made since coming to college. The UC Davis Department of Communication does a wonderful job in providing its students with a major that is meaningful both academically and professionally. In this department you will find faculty and staff members who are dedicated to the academic achievement of their students, and who are making great strides in the field of communication.

Each course offered by the department gives students the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills you can take with you, whether you pursue graduate studies or a career in the workplace. As an undergraduate in the Department of Communication, I have been able to accomplish all that I desired for my college experience. I have taken challenging and interesting courses, received mentorship and guidance from professors, and even had the opportunity to conduct research within the department for my undergraduate seniors honors thesis.

Professionally, I have been given the tools and resources to prepare for a career in public affairs. Once I graduate, I will be working with a Fortune 500 company, putting all that I have learned into practice. Studying communication at UC Davis has been the highlight of my academic career, and I look forward to the opportunities a degree in this major will provide me in the future."


Alissa Reyes
Alissa Reyes

"Being a communication major means having amazing teachers who truly care for their students; they are easy to talk to during office hours and give great advice. I look forward to continuing the positive and professional relationships I have built with the professors throughout my undergraduate studies. Additionally, the department undergraduate adviser and peer advisers are very approachable, knowledgeable and helpful. They're only a quick email or drop-in away to help make sure I am on track to graduate. There is no guesswork, and I'm free to focus on my studies. And lastly, while the classes are engaging and informative, the class load is manageable.

In addition to completing an A.B. in communication, I am able to partake in other opportunities, such as being able to minor in professional writing, working part-time off campus, and contributing to the California Aggie newspaper — gaining hands-on writing experience to help me in my future journalism career. For all these reasons and more, I am graduating ahead of schedule and will always cherish my time in the Department of Communication here at UC Davis."


John Krepelka
John Krepelka

"For me, progression through the Department of Communication has meant much more than merely completing a sequence of coursework; it has been about the adoption of a mindset — the recognition of communication's dual standing as both a dynamic component of daily life and a field of study comprising an expansive and diverse body of inquiry and research. When entering the department, I was initially apprehensive about my ability to adapt to the UC Davis lifestyle and the decision to major in communication. I wondered if majoring in communication would allow me to develop a skill set competitive with those of my peers majoring in the STEM fields. Now nearing the end of my coursework, I have discovered that these fears were unfounded.

My time in the Communication Department has afforded me the opportunity to study under the instruction of a world-class faculty members, whose backgrounds include experience in formal academia as well as the private sector. Guided by these instructors, I have been exposed to a wealth of theory that has in turn challenged me to reflect upon and improve my own communication practices. From honing my skills within both interpersonal and organizational contexts, to prompting me to adopt a more conscientious perspective with regard to media messages as well as social scientific research, time spent in the major has greatly benefited my communication competence.

Throughout my studies, I also have been given ample opportunity to put these skills into practice through interaction with my classroom peers. Outspoken, inquisitive and articulate communication majors are easily identified within both the classroom and the wider world, and are a group I am proud to consider myself among."

Jayden Potter
Jayden Potter

"During my freshman year, I knew I needed something to balance my STEM heavy course load as a Material Science and Engineering major. As I flipped through the school’s catalogue looking for a minor, I came across Communication. I have always struggled with written communication - my early Facebook posts can attest to that - so this presented a challenge. After a lot of pondering, a friend already in Communications convinced me that I would enjoy taking classes in the department.

Once I started taking Communication courses, I knew it was the place to be. I gained many skills and insights that are necessary for any major. My first few lectures forced me to critically think about what would enhance my resume when applying for internships, graduate school, or jobs in my industry. I have found that Communication has given be a better grasp of the growing problems in this world, what is being done to fix them, and where progress is needed. Thus, I have been wondering what I can do to bring about change in a positive way. No matter what your major is, Communication will help you apply your knowledge more effectively.

I have been fortunate to be able to take part in research opportunities in Communication. It has given me the chance to engage with the Communication department which was always willing to help, whether it be mentorship, giving advice, or providing opportunities to further my studies. You will find like-minded students ready and pleased to work side by side with you on projects."


Elizabeth Tune
Elizabeth Tune

"I chose to study Communication at UC Davis due to a long-standing interest in human interaction and information within society. When I started taking classes on campus, I knew it was the perfect major to combine my interests in academia and business. As an undergraduate in the Department of Communication, I have received guidance from professors and have been surrounded by supportive peers, both of which have truly challenged me to view the world differently and look for alternate possibilities.

I have also participated in research within the department which has been enriching both professionally and academically. In my experience, participating in research has been one of the best ways to gain experience in the field, and it has helped me confirm some of my interests within the discipline. I had the opportunity to apply what I’ve been learning in the classroom and I have been able to better identify the skills needed to be a successful researcher. Research has prepared me with skills like managing time and responsibilities both independently and as part of a team, and it has also given a sense of confidence in my ability to conduct research.

Studying Communication has helped me grow academically but has also prepared me for life outside of the classroom. I am thankful for the opportunities the Communication Department have given me to push my boundaries and I look forward to seeing where these skills take me in the future."