NCA24 Research Showcase

Quick Summary

  • Researchers in the Department of Communication will present 11 unique projects (including one top paper) at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association.
NCA21 Research Showcase

Research conducted in the Department of Communication will be featured at this year's meeting of the National Communication Association. Researchers in the Department will present a total of 11 different projects, including one that earned a Top Paper award. Our faculty and students hold important leadership roles at NCA: Dr. Laramie Taylor is Second Vice-Chair for the Mass Communication Division, Sofia Rhea is Secretary for the Mass Communication Division, and Muhammad Rasul is Graduate Student Rep. for the Mass Communication Division.

Below is a full list of the studies being presented at NCA this year.

Can Exposure to Memes Trigger Stereotype Threat and Lift Effects on Physical Activity? The Mediating Role of State Anxiety, Self-Efficacy, and Task Motivation on Running Behavior and Intention
Camren Leroy Allen, Jorge Peña
Top Paper

You said what? An in-class experiment to teach students about audience reactions to self-disclosure on social networking sites.
Steven Brunner, Jeanette Ruiz

Boosting Engagement: Strategies for Online Communication Classes
Heather J. Hether

Digital Compassion: Unveiling Factors behind Chinese Netizens’ Responses to Support-seeking about Depression
Haojian Li, Bo Feng, Xinyi Tong

Can You Read Between the Lines?: A Comparison of Human and ChatGPT As Support Providers
Rachel McKenzie, Lisa Jihyun Hwang, Bo Feng, Wenjing Pan

Extended Abstract: COVID-19-Related Anger on Traditional vs. Social Media News Consumption and Vaccination Intention: A Nationally Representative Study
Yoo Jung Oh, Muhammad Ehab Rasul, Jong In Lim, Christopher (CJ) Calabrese

Intergroup Contact in Virtual Reality: The Influence of User Anonymity-Identifiability, Social Identity, and Contact Valence on Prejudice
Jorge Peña, Jeffrey Tseng, Camren Leroy Allen, Vivian HH Chen, Gabrielle C. Ibasco, Wei Jei Koek

Reactionary Reactions? Exploring Shifting Fan Discourse in Response to Character Identity Development in The Umbrella Academy
Sofia V. Rhea, Laramie Taylor

Parent Problematic Media Use, Child Executive Functions, and Household Income Relate to Parent Reliance on Media Emotion Regulation Strategies
Jane Shawcroft, Allyson Snyder, Drew Cingel, Jeanette Ruiz

The Evolution of Romantic Media and Relationships: A Greater Regard for Romantic Diversity in the Ever-Changing Media Landscape and Related Sociocultural Transitions
Laramie Taylor

From Robot, to Android, to Humanoid: Does Self-Relevance Influence Uncanny Valley Perceptions of Mechanic or Anthropomorphic Face Morphs?
William Weisman, Jorge Peña