Professor Wojcieszak has been awarded the European Research Council Consolidator Grant

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  • Professor Wojcieszak has been awarded the European Research Council Consolidator Grant.

Professor Magdalena E Wojcieszak has been awarded the European Research Council Consolidator Grant (2,000,000 Euro for 5 years). She will conduct a research project titled "Incentivizing Citizen Exposure to Quality News Online: Framework and Tools: NEWSUSE." 

NEWSUSE advances a theoretically driven and applicable model that accounts for individual, algorithmic and social factors influencing news (non-)use and – therefore – also the approaches to promoting news intake. Building on this model, NEWSUSE designs validated computational tools to increase people’s consumption of quality news, pinpoints whether it is the citizens, social contexts, and/or recommender systems that need to be tweaked, and tests the democratic effects of increased news use across political contexts and social media platforms. NEWSUSE relies on cutting-edge multidisciplinary methods, combining quantitative and qualitative, observational and over-time experimental designs and incorporating the latest advances in computer and computational social science, the first project to apply these innovative approaches conjointly and comparatively.