Drew Cingel

Drew Cingel Portrait

Position Title
Associate Professor

373 Kerr


  • Ph.D., Media, Technology, and Society, Northwestern University, 2016
  • M.A., Communication, Wake Forest University, 2012
  • B.A., Media Effects, Pennsylvania State University, 2010
  • B.A., Psychology, Pennsylvania State University, 2010


Drew Cingel studies the interaction between human development and media effects. He is particularly interested in understanding how facets of child and adolescent development influence media choice and the effects of exposure to media. He has worked with different media companies, such as Common Sense Media, and primarily uses experimental and survey methodologies. He addresses these questions of interest through research in his lab, a naturalistic, living room setting equipped with traditional and new media technologies.

Research Focus

Drew Cingel’s broad area of research examines how human development influences how individuals use media, and how media use influences human development, specifically child and adolescent development. He is primarily interested in the effects of social media on adolescent social-emotional development, children’s learning from media, including television and tablet computers, and the influence of media on child and adolescent moral reasoning. His work has been published in journals such as New Media & Society, Media Psychology, Journal of Media Psychology, Computers in Human Behavior, and the Journal of Children and Media. He has also received funding from the Television Academy, Arts and Sciences Foundation.



Drew Cingel will be teaching CMN 141 (Media Effects) in the fall and winter quarters. He will develop a new undergraduate course, CMN 147: Children, Adolescents, and the Media, which will be offered for the first time in spring 2017. He will also develop a graduate level course of the same title.


  • National Communication Association, Doctoral Honors Seminar Invitee (2015)
  • Searle Teaching Program, Excellence in Teaching Certificate Recipient (2014-2015)
  • Northwestern University, Graduate Teaching Assistantship (2013-2015)
  • Northwestern University, Graduate Fellowship recipient (2012-2013; 2015-2016)
  • Northwestern University, Summer Research Support recipient (2012)