Muheng Yu

Position Title
Graduate Student



Muheng is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Communication at UC Davis. His research primarily focuses on media use and effects, especially 1) social media use and mental health 2) adolescent media use and effects.

Classes Taught

Teaching Assistant: 

  • Social Media
  • Introduction to Mass Communication
  • Media Effects: Theory and Research
  • Children, Adolescents, and the Media
  • Communication Theories
  • Empirical Research Methods in Communication
  • Intercultural Communication
  • Communication and Cognition
  • Interpersonal Communication Competence
  • Introduction to Public Speaking
  • Family Communication

Associate Instructor 

  • Introduction to Public Speaking

Guest Lecture 

  •  CMN141––Social Media Use and Mental Health
  • Yu, M., Carter, M. C., Cingel, D. P., Ruiz, J. B. (2023). A Content Analysis of Aggression in Netflix Original, Adolescent-Directed Series’ Subtitles. Communication Quarterly
  • Yu, M., Carter, M. C., Cingel, D. P., Ruiz, J. B. (2023). How Sex is Referenced in Netflix Original, Adolescent-Directed Series: A Content Analysis of Subtitles. Psychology of Popular Media
  • Yu, M., Riddle, K. (2022). An Experimental Test of the Effects of Digital Content Permanency on Perceived Anonymity and Indirect Effects on Cyber Bullying Intentions. Social Media + Society, 8(1), 20563051221087255
  • Cingel, D. P., Yu, M., Reed, B. (2020). Effects of Media Use on Children's Language Skills. The International Encyclopedia of Media Psychology, 1-5.
  • Zhao, Y., Cingel, D. P., Xie, L.*, & Yu, M*. (2023). Exploring the Relations of Subjective and Objective Instagram Use on Young Adults' Mental Health. Telematics and Informatics, 77, 101921 (* indicates equal contributions)