Sofia Rhea

Sofia Rhea Portrait
154 Kerr Hall


  • BA in Communication from the University of California, Davis
  • BA in Anthropology (Evolutionary Emphasis) from the University of California, Davis

Research Focus

Rhea's work focuses broadly on media effects. Her current work investigates the impact of highly visual social media (HVSM) on self-evaluation and self-esteem.


Stevens, H., Acic, I., & Rhea, S. (2021) Natural Language Processing Insight into LGBTQ+ Youth Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Longitudinal Content Analysis of Anxiety-Provoking Topics and Trends in Emotion in LGBTeens Microcommunity Subreddit. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 7(8), doi:10.2196/29029


Teaching Assistant: Introduction to Public Speaking (CMN 001)