Yuwei Zhong

Yuwei Zhong Portrait

Position Title
Graduate Student

169 Kerr Hall


  • M.A. in Communication, University of Oklahoma, 2020
  • B.A. in Journalism, Guangxi Normal University, 2018


Yuwei Zhong graduated with a BA in Journalism from Guangxi Normal University in 2018. She obtained her MA in Communication from the University of Oklahoma in 2020. Her research is primarily concerned with motivated processing in mediated environments that contributes to prosocial outcomes in political and health contexts. She uses self-report, behavioral, and psychophysiological measures.

Research Focus

Media Psychology, Political Communication, Health Communication, Intergroup Relations, Psychophysiological Methods


Associate Instructor (UC Davis):

CMN1 Introduction to Public Speaking

Teaching Assistant (UC Davis):

CMN140 Introduction to Mass Communication

CMN102 Empirical Research Methods

CMN101Y Communication Theory

CMN1 Introduction to Public Speaking

Teaching Assistant (University of Oklahoma):

COMM2713 Communication Theory

COMM2003 Non-Western Communication Patterns